Sunday, February 26, 2012

SceneChat test with Interview template re copyright and digital content

I am on a Beta for SceneChat. Comments can be sent to other social media from video sites. Currently this seems to mean YouTube, Blogger and Facebook at least these are working for me.

So far the comments works ok so I am adding this post to ask for current views on this video from the cathedral projection last year. It covers digital media, copyright, and possible links to other events. Social media has changed over the time and copyright policy may change further.

If comments bar fails, please add comment to blog anyway.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

ITV moving in the right direction #enviromental #animatedexeter2012

I very much support the decdision by ITV Regional to load up a clip from Evolumental to YouTube.

But the problem I think is that they only make available content that has been broadcast. So this is not the whole ten minutes. Also it turned out that the timing of a live broadcast diod not coincide with the best bits in the background in my honest opinion.

The BBC have similar policies I think. Could they relax this a bit so they stay to get the whole thing and then load it to YouTube or somewhere? A couple of years ago there was an ITV crew in the Anchor Gardens during Sidmouth Folk Week for most of an afternoon. Working hard on music video but I don't think more than a minute or two got on the TV. So what to do with all this stuff?

Social media were discouraged from posting anything from the Wednesday tests that would possibly compete with TV exclusivity. I'm not sure YouTube audiences are yet a problem for propertelly. And besides there could be more of a mix that actually helped the broadcast. There are some decent cameras in Exeter. Can we have a bit of a discussion on what else might be possible?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Video of Evolumental could try out comments

This is one take for a video on Evolumental. There could be an edit with other material but this wass loaded as one take to encourage more people to visit Exeter cathedral this Saturday evening, today is your last chance to view the actual event.

I am leaving lots of space as this blog should now work with SceneChat. Please add comments anyway. Could include a link to a better shot, better sound, or any sort of giuidance. By the way if you actually understand layers please put some time aside. I am gradually finding out but most of my edita are fairly random as it turns out.